
The press releases from action medeor provide information about current relief missions, global emergencies, and ongoing developments in the work of action medeor.

action medeor introduces the new management team

action medeor turns 60

The “emergency pharmacy of the world” for 60 years: action medeor celebrates its anniversary and...

The picture shows an action medeor aid worker distributing soup from a large pot to a group of waiting people. A banner of the International Blue Crescent (IBC) can be seen in the background.

Help in Ukraine continues

Two years after the attack: action medeor organizes pharmaceutical supplies and provides aid for...

Local partners transport medicines with cattle and carts in flooded areas.

Floods in Somalia

action medeor provides aid after floods: “The people in Somalia need our support”

Anke Engelke stands together with the Board of Directors and President in the medicine store.

20 years with Anke Engelke

Anke Engelke and the health aid organization action medeor can look back on a proud 20 years of...

Your contact person

Dr. Markus Bremers
Press spokesman

Phone: +49 2156 9788-178


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