Aktion Deutschland Hilft Aktion Deutschland Hilft is the alliance of renowned German aid organizations that provide fast and effective help in the event of a disaster.
Apothekerkammer Nordrhein As the professional association of pharmacists in North Rhine who work in pharmacies, hospitals, industry, science or research, the North Rhine Chamber of Pharmacists supports the medical aid provided by action medeor.
Bundesverband Deutscher Stiftungen The Association of German Foundations represents the interests of 19,000 foundations in Germany.
Deutsches Netzwerk gegen vernachlässigte Tropenkrankheiten The German Network against Neglected Tropical Diseases forms a national platform in Germany from which, together with international partners, awareness of this group of diseases is to be raised and the resources available to combat them increased.
Ecumenial Pharmaceutical Network EPN is a Christian non-profit organization consisting of members of healthcare providers and medical professionals - including many (Christian) organizations that bring healthcare services to the most remote regions of Africa.
German Health Alliance The German Health Alliance consists of more than 100 leading German players from business and industry, civil society and NGOs, science & research, and thus covers a particularly wide range of health expertise with a strong international focus.
Handelsverband Nordrheinwestfalen The Trade Association of North Rhine-Westphalia (Handelsverband NRW Krefeld-Kempen-Viersen) has been a network partner of the Lower Rhine Entrepreneurs' Initiative for action medeor since 2015 and supports action medeor with its own regional fundraising campaigns.
Pharma Deutschland Pharma Deutschland is an industry association for the pharmaceutical industry in Germany and an important point of contact for politicians, authorities and institutions in the healthcare sector.
VENRO VENRO is a voluntary association of around 120 German non-governmental organizations such as private and church-based development cooperation, humanitarian aid and development education, public relations and lobbying organizations.
WASH-Netzwerk Members of the WASH network are German non-profit organizations that are involved in development cooperation and humanitarian aid in the areas of water, sanitation and hygiene.