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The escalation of the war in Ukraine on February 24, 2022 triggered one of the largest humanitarian crises: numerous health facilities and hospitals were destroyed and millions of people are fleeing the violent clashes.
Since the war of aggression began, countless people have been forced to leave their homes. There is an acute shortage of medical care and equipment in many hospitals. Illnesses and injuries are on the rise. Children in particular are suffering psychological trauma as a result of the war.
Due to the destroyed infrastructure, many areas lack electricity and running drinking water. Without clean water, diarrheal diseases such as cholera can break out. In winter, heated accommodation and hot meals are urgently needed.</p
On February 22, 2022, just two days before the war escalated, action medeor received a call for help from a Ukrainian hospital that had run out of essential medicines. It was the start of our aid organization's largest relief operation to date. From the medicine warehouse in Tönisvorst, tons of vital medicines and medical equipment were brought to Ukraine, from mobile X-ray machines to entire ambulances. To this day, we supply around 200 hospitals throughout the country with essential medicines, especially for the care of chronically ill people.
In the south of Ukraine, action medeor has also launched various humanitarian projects in collaboration with various local partner organizations. In the region around the cities of Odessa, Mykolaiv and Kherson, we provide refugees, the elderly, sick and needy with free medicines, drinking water, hot meals, heating material for the winter and psychosocial support. We also use mobile teams to reach remote villages near the front line where there are no pharmacies. We organize play afternoons for the children and families there - giving them a few rays of hope in the middle of the war.
"The play afternoons are not just a children's program, but something very important happens: the children are allowed to just be children for a short period of time. They get their light-heartedness back for a moment. You can see it in their eyes how much they love it. And how much they need it." Markus BremersPress spokesperson for action medeor
Markus BremersPress spokesperson for action medeor
With your donation, you help us to give people in war-torn countries like Ukraine access to healthcare. Help us to build health structures, care for the chronically ill and give children a ray of hope in the midst of war.
Your donation enables us to provide medical care to people in crisis and disaster regions.
February 24, 2022 was a turning point for the world, and the clocks have also been ticking
Thank you for supporting our emergency aid for the people of Ukraine!
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