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Gang wars, poverty and hunger cause great hardship among the people of Haiti.
Violence, kidnappings and gang crime are shaking Haiti. Access to healthcare is severely restricted and hospitals are overburdened. Many people also do not have sufficient access to clean drinking water and food, which favors the outbreak of diseases. Pregnant women and babies in particular also suffer from the poor supply situation.
The earthquake in Haiti in January 2010 was one of the biggest disasters of the current millennium. The earthquake claimed more than 300,000 lives and left 1.5 million people homeless. However, the island was also regularly hit by natural disasters in the years that followed, such as Hurricane Matthew in 2016 and another earthquake in August 2021.
action medeor's involvement in Haiti began with emergency aid following the devastating earthquake in 2010 and has continued ever since. The initial humanitarian aid has developed into long-term partnerships and development cooperation projects. One focus of action medeor's work in Haiti is to improve healthcare for pregnant women and newborns. Various projects have already trained midwives and other medical staff, built and equipped maternity wards and supported the operation of health facilities.
With your donation for the work of action medeor, you help us to give people in countries like Haiti access to healthcare! Support us in building health structures, minimizing the causes of disease and helping people around the world to lead healthy lives!
Your donation enables us to provide medical care to people in crisis and disaster regions.
Increasing violence and crime, extreme price increases and natural disasters are exacerbating
Despite the current unrest and political upheaval in Haiti, the health aid organization action