Ein Fokus der Arbeit von action medeor in Ruanda: Fortbildungsveranstaltungen für pharmazeutisches Fachpersonal und Mitarbeitende von lokalen Gesundheitsbehörden.


Despite significant progress, poverty and inadequate healthcare remain problematic issues for the population of Rwanda.

Progress, But Still Great Challenges

Rwanda has achieved significant developmental success in recent years, with its gross national income per capita more than tripling over the last 20 years. However, the proportion of the population living in extreme poverty remains over 50 percent. There have also been improvements in other areas, such as children's education and healthcare for pregnant women and young children.

More than 80 percent of Rwanda's population lives in rural areas, where infrastructure and public services are often still inadequate to provide proper support for the population. 

By the Numbers: The Situation in Rwanda

  • Half of the population lives in extreme poverty
  • Over 30 percent of people in Rwanda are malnourished
  • About a quarter of the population is illiterate
  • Only one nurse or midwife is available for every 1,000 people, compared to 12.3 in Germany

Medication Deliveries and Promotion of Pharmaceutical Education

As early as the 1970s, in the early days of action medeor, medication deliveries were sent from the warehouse in Tönisvorst to partners in Rwanda. Aid shipments to Rwanda have a long tradition – and continue to this day. 

In addition to these deliveries, action medeor's work in Rwanda focuses on the training and education of pharmaceutical professionals. Several projects have been implemented in recent years: from supporting a master's program in "Health Supply Chain Management," in which an action medeor pharmacist personally taught individual modules, to a large-scale program to improve local drug production, to a current project providing basic pharmaceutical training for healthcare workers in rural areas.

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