A medication dispensing point in Tanzania. © action medeor / B. Breuer Info A medication dispensing point in Tanzania. © action medeor / B. Breuer Tanzania Rwanda Pharmaceutical Education and Training for Better Rural Healthcare Provision Programs The shortage of qualified pharmaceutical personnel continues to be a major issue in healthcare in many countries around the world, especially outside of major cities. The World Health Organization estimates that church-based healthcare facilities account for up to 40% of the healthcare system in rural and structurally disadvantaged areas of the Global South. In these regions, nurses and midwives are often the only healthcare providers. This is also true in the East African countries of Kenya, Rwanda, and Tanzania. Here, the state does not ensure an adequate basic healthcare system, secure access to medications, or the distribution of pharmaceuticals by pharmacists to the civilian population. This gap is partially filled by church-based services, but even these facilities lack personnel with formal pharmaceutical education. As a result, the adherence to minimum pharmaceutical quality standards for adequate basic healthcare is not ensured in many places. The IMPACT project (Improving Pharmaceutical Access through Continuous Training) aims to address this shortage through long-term training in basic pharmaceutical knowledge. The project focuses on two main areas: First, the teaching of basic pharmaceutical knowledge for the needs-based procurement/storage of medicines, ensuring that patients from the surrounding population can always be supplied with safe and high-quality medicines. Second, the teaching of basic pharmaceutical knowledge for the rational use and dispensing of medicines to patients. This will ensure in the future that the right patient receives the right medicine in the necessary dosage and correct form, and is advised in such a way that they can continue using it independently. A special feature of this project is the specific focus on the sustainability of all measures. Continuous Training is a unique teaching method: A quality feature of the planned training is a holistic methodology that addresses specific needs and is accompanied by experts in the implementation of theoretical knowledge into practice. Beyond this special teaching method, the training participants develop structural improvement measures in action plans, which they use in their healthcare facilities to implement a sustainable improvement in the pharmaceutical care of the population. Together with the local project partner EPN (Ecumenical Pharmaceutical Network) and the implementing member organizations from Kenya, Rwanda, and Tanzania, the training is tailored to the needs of the local population. Gender aspects are also considered. Specifically, this means that the different effects of a drug's active ingredients on men and women are taken into account (so-called gender-based pharmacy). Project descriptionProject Goal: Empowering rural populations in Kenya, Rwanda, and Tanzania through sustainable basic pharmaceutical training for healthcare personnel.Project Focus: Basic healthcare, education and training.Target Group: Direct Target Group: Between 500 and 3,500 patients per healthcare facility (a total of 50 facilities) receiving improved pharmaceutical care. 100 previously unqualified individuals from pharmaceutical and medical personnel at the selected healthcare facilities (50 facilities: 10 in Kenya, 20 in Tanzania, 20 in Rwanda; 50% state-run, 50% church-run). 6 master trainers, 18 staff members from organizations supporting the project in their respective countries (institutional target group). Project Area: Tanzania (Kitavi and Rukwa) Rwanda (Western and Northern Region) Kenya (Kakamega County) Project Duration: November 2023 – October 2026Financial Volume: 456,534.00 EurosPartner Organisation: Ecumenical Pharmaceutical Network (EPN) as lead partner Christian Social Service Commission (CSSC) in Tanzania Christian Health Association of Kenya (CHAK) in Kenya Bureau des Formations Médicales Agréées du Rwanda (BUFMAR) in Rwanda Funding: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)Project Number: 7000165 Your Contact Person Christiane Borup Programme Manager Tanzania and Kenya Phone: +49 2156 9788-202 TPL_EMAIL This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.