
Despite progress in poverty reduction and economic development, Bangladesh continues to face challenges that are exacerbated by climate change and refugee movements in the region.

Risk of climate change: natural disasters loom 

Although Bangladesh has achieved noticeable developments in recent decades, including in terms of maternal and infant mortality rates and life expectancy, the country still faces major challenges. These include political and social unrest, inadequate basic supplies of essential goods such as drinking water and healthcare, as well as an increasing risk of severe natural disasters.

Bangladesh is one of the countries in the world that is most at risk from the effects of climate change. The proximity to large rivers and the sea determines the way of life of many people in Bangladesh, but also poses a great danger due to the risk of flooding and tropical storms.

In numbers: The situation in Bangladesh

  • Over 20 percent of children under the age of five are underweight
  • In 2022, 28 out of 1,000 children died before their 5th birthday
  • Only just under 60 percent of births are attended by trained staff
  • Only 30 percent of the population is connected to adequate sanitation

Health care and education programs

The work of action medeor in Bangladesh focuses on the district of Cox's Bazar in the south of Bangladesh, one of the poorest and most disaster-prone areas of the country on the border with Myanmar. Since the 1970s, there have been repeated migratory movements of the Rohingya population group persecuted in Myanmar. Many have settled in the region close to the border in the following years, and hundreds of thousands more refugees have been accommodated in several camps.

Together with the local organization Gonoshasthaya Kendra, action medeor supports better healthcare and the establishment of self-help groups and medical education programs. In 2021, a major fire broke out in the refugee camp, claiming lives and depriving many residents of their last possessions. Together with partner organizations, action medeor provided emergency aid and supplied 2,000 families particularly affected by the fire with aid packages.

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