Better Healthcare for Children, Youth, and the Elderly

Although Bangladesh has made significant progress in recent decades, particularly in terms of maternal and child mortality rates and life expectancy, the country continues to face major challenges, especially due to the vicious cycle of poverty and illness: In 2019, about 20.5% of the population lived below the national poverty line; approximately 36% of all children under the age of 5 are malnourished; there are only 6.3 doctors per 10,000 inhabitants; and a national health insurance system is lacking.

With increasing life expectancy, a demographic shift has also begun in Bangladesh. However, the growing number of elderly people is hardly secured. The state social security system is insufficient and does not reach the majority of people. At the same time, prevalent diseases are also changing – non-communicable and chronic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases are on the rise, while opportunities for prevention and early treatment are often lacking. Medicines, especially for chronic diseases that need to be obtained continuously and regularly, are rarely locally, continuously, and affordably available to patients.

The Project Region: Cox's Bazar District, Bangladesh

The Cox's Bazar District in southern Bangladesh is located directly on the border with Myanmar and is one of the poorest and most disaster-prone areas in the country. Since the 1970s, there have been repeated migration movements of the Rohingya, an ethnic group persecuted in Myanmar. Many refugees have been able to establish themselves in the border region over the years and are well integrated. However, the flight movements reached a new peak in August 2017 when approximately 754,000 Rohingya had to flee across the border into Bangladesh. Since then, they have been living under precarious conditions in several makeshift camps. Over the years, the acute emergency situation has developed into a complex, long-term crisis with impacts on the entire region.

The Partner Organization: Gonoshasthaya Kendra (GK) is a non-governmental organization registered in Bangladesh since 1971, aiming to provide healthcare for marginalized populations. To this end, GK operates a large network of healthcare facilities nationwide. GK has been active in Cox's Bazar District since the 1990s, particularly in humanitarian aid for refugees from Myanmar, but also with extensive programs to improve the healthcare and living conditions of the local population. Gonoshasthaya Kendra and action medeor have been working together since 2019.

The Project: Focusing on Children, Youth, and the Elderly

In collaboration with the local partner organization Gonoshasthaya Kendra, action medeor has been implementing a project since June 2022 to improve healthcare, particularly for children, youth, and the elderly in the region. To strengthen cohesion within the project region, create social networks especially for the most vulnerable members of the communities, and jointly improve living conditions, the project will establish self-help groups for the elderly as well as children's and youth groups. The self-help groups for the elderly are intended to provide a space for social support networks, joint health measures, and general exchange of experiences. A doctor employed through the project regularly participates in the meetings.

The children's and youth groups aim to create social structures that have largely disappeared due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Among other things, there will be sports and other event offerings, with a special focus on encouraging girls to participate. Additionally, the children and youth will learn important content on healthy living, physical integrity, and disease prevention in a Life Skills & Leadership Training.

Preventing Diseases – Protecting Health

Through education, awareness-raising, and knowledge transfer on a range of different health topics, the project aims to address the two main target groups – elderly people and children/youth. Mothers will also be involved in the project for the children and youth target group.

In awareness-raising and sensitization sessions, elderly people are informed about non-communicable diseases, general hygiene, and balanced nutrition. In addition, "Community Mobilizers" are trained in the project to perform simple physiotherapy exercises with the elderly in their communities to prevent and reduce mobility restrictions. This is particularly important because physiotherapy is still scarcely available in Bangladesh, and currently, only a small physiotherapy center of the partner organization is responsible for all people in the project area. Severe and complicated cases can be referred to this center by the Community Mobilizers.

To strengthen the health situation of children and youth, 3,000 mothers will be trained on various topics as part of the project. These include child development, health, hygiene, and nutrition in children, proper handling of psychological, social, and emotional needs of children and adolescents, as well as children's rights.

Improving Access to Healthcare

To enable people in the project area to have better access to healthcare services, the project employs various measures: These include improving the provision of information about contact persons, opening hours, and services, as well as employing a doctor who will be present in the project communities four days a week and will also participate in the self-help group meetings. Additionally, a local and affordable transportation option between village communities and nearby healthcare facilities is to be developed and established.

Another component involves various measures to make medicines, particularly for non-communicable and chronic diseases, more readily available. Among other things, elderly patients who cannot afford to finance their medication for chronic diseases themselves will receive them free of charge through the project.

Project description

  • Project Area: Teknaf Upazila, Cox´s Bazar, Bangladesh
  • Project Duration: June 2022 – April 2025
  • Financial Volume: 441,972 Euros
  • Partner Organisation: Gonoshasthaya Kendra (GK)
  • Funding: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
  • Project Number: 6000222

Your Contact Person

Sarah Weiß
Programme Manager Nepal, Syria and Bangladesh

Phone: +49 2156 9788-152

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