Children at an educational event on hygiene and health in Pakistan.
© action medeor / PVDP

Improved health, hygiene and nutrition for the rural population

Pakistan is facing multiple crises and challenges: An increasingly precarious security situation, not least due to the Taliban takeover in neighboring Afghanistan, a persistent economic crisis and also increasingly frequent natural disasters exacerbated by climate change. In the fall of 2022, a third of the country was flooded for months, affecting 33 million people.

The project is being implemented in the province of Sindh in the south-east of Pakistan in the district of Mirpurkhas. Almost half of the population in Sindh lives in rural areas and, according to the World Bank, around 37% of the rural population live below the poverty line and are unable to meet their basic needs for food, shelter and healthcare. Around 2 million people live in the heavily rural district of Mirpurkhas, mainly from agriculture and livestock farming. 60% of small farmers in Sindh are landless and have to rent land from landlords. The conditions here are very exploitative, in which, for example, some of the seed is provided, but the majority of the harvest must also be handed over to the landlord. Crop failures, most recently on a large scale during the 2022 floods, quickly lead to high levels of debt for small farmers.

Project description

  • Project Goal: Improvement of health, WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene), and food security in rural Mirpurkhas, Sindh
  • Project Focus: Primary healthcare, food security, water & hygiene
  • Target Group: Rural population from five villages in Taluka Shuja Abad, Mirpurkhas District, Sindh (100 households as the direct target group)
  • Project Area: Pakistan, Sindh, Mirpurkhas District
  • Project Activities:
    • Capacity Building:
      • "Training of Trainer" (ToT) workshops on various topics
      • Formalization and training of village committees
      • Inter-village exchange meetings of the five village committees and meetings with authorities
    • Health:
      • Village community workshops on topics: Safe drinking water, hygiene & sanitation, healthy nutrition
      • Training on building energy-efficient and smoke-reducing stoves
      • Training on the use of biosand filters
      • Awareness and sensitization event on "Women's Rights"
      • Training for traditional birth attendants
    • Food Security:
      • Village community workshops on topics: Food and livelihood security, disaster risk reduction and climate change (adaptation), crop and pest management, livestock management
      • Training on kitchen gardens
      • Sensitization events on various international thematic days
  • Project Duration: December 2023 – December 2024
  • Financial Volume: 110,891 Euros
  • Partner Organisation: PVDP (Participatory Village Development Programme)
  • Funding: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
  • Project Number: 6000237

Your contact person

Sarah Weiß
Programme Manager Nepal, Syria and Bangladesh

Phone: +49 2156 9788-152

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