© action medeor/Cristina Chiquín Info © action medeor/Cristina Chiquín Guatemala Support for women and girls affected by violence Programs In the first 4 months of 2021 - immediately before the start of the current project - violence against women in Guatemala reached a sad peak. The strict lockdown restrictions imposed as a result of the pandemic have put young women and girls in a particularly vulnerable position. Child protection activists in Guatemala estimate that in 2020, nine out of ten pregnancies of under 14-year-olds were the result of abuse by a close male relative. In a previous project, action medeor had already supported a women's counseling center (CAIMUS) run by the local partner organization ASOGEN in the department of Chimaltenango. In response to the great need, an additional branch has now been opened in Antigua, the capital of the neighboring department of Sacatepéquez - the first counseling center with integral care for mostly indigenous women and girls affected by violence in this region, which has one of the highest numbers of cases of violence against women in Guatemala. In addition to their medical and psychological treatment, users of the two advice centers can take part in self-help and therapy groups. The culturally adapted care and the opportunity to express themselves in the Mayan language Kaqchikel are particularly appreciated. Another focus of the integral care is the free legal advice and support during legal proceedings. In the ASOGEN women's shelter, victims and their children find protection in acute emergency situations. Most women and girls are completely economically dependent on their aggressors. This situation has been exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic. A pilot project to generate their own income has therefore been created, in which 200 women will participate. Another element of the project in the departments of Chimaltenango and Sacatepéquez is the training of male support groups, especially in rural areas: the male participants undergo a sensitization process in which the right of women to a life free from violence is propagated and the men are introduced to a new understanding of their role in terms of 'positive masculinity'. Participants are often indigenous authority figures who are role models and multipliers in their respective communities. These measures are flanked by courses that provide tips on improving harvests and in which women also take part. Violence against women is addressed at various levels of society through advocacy, networking and public relations work. Courses are held for members of the judiciary to improve the institutional care pathway for women who bring their case to court. A series of training courses on the same topic for civil society and state institutions is also planned, as well as a series of events for the interested public and a social media campaign. Project descriptionProject Goal: Comprehensive Support for Women and Girls Affected by Gender-Based Violence and Prevention through Awareness and Advocacy WorkProject Focus: Maternal and Child Health and Women's RightsProject Area: Departments of Chimaltenango and Sacatepéquez, GuatemalaProject Activities: Comprehensive support for affected women and girls at two locations: Psychological, legal, medical, and socio-economic counseling, self-help groups. Assisting women and girls in enforcing their rights in court. Operating a women's shelter for acute emergencies. Income-generating measures for affected women. Promoting new role models for men: "Positive Masculinity." Training for justice sector personnel to improve support for violence-affected, predominantly indigenous women and girls. Campaign work: Events and social media. Political networking and advocacy work. Project Duration: October 2021 – September 2024Financial Volume: 436,428 EurosPartner Organisation: Asociación Generando Equidad, Liderazgo y Oportunidades (ASOGEN)Funding: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)Project Number: 6000223 Your contact person Andrea Drost Programme Manager Latin America Phone: +49 2156 9788-133 TPL_EMAIL This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.