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Guatemalan society is characterized by great inequality; indigenous families in rural areas in particular often suffer from inadequate care and poverty.
The social and societal situation in Guatemala is characterized by a number of challenges: Poverty and a lack of access to basic healthcare and education are widespread, especially for indigenous and rural population groups. The nutritional situation is also tense, with almost half of children under the age of five suffering from chronic malnutrition. As a result of this situation, treatable diseases such as respiratory infections or diarrhea can pose a major risk.
Gang crime and gender-based violence are widespread in Guatemalan society and cause immense suffering and trauma. There is a particular lack of contact points and support services for women and girls in indigenous communities to help them process their experiences of violence and receive support.
The project work of action medeor and the local partner organizations focuses on the needs of the population groups that are least reached by state structures: Indigenous communities in rural areas. A particular focus is on supporting women and girls who have experienced violence. In various projects, action medeor supports the establishment and operation of counseling centers where women receive medical and psychological care, as well as educational and prevention programs. In addition to this focus of work, action medeor is also committed to improving basic healthcare in rural communities.
With your donation for the work of action medeor, you help us to give people in countries like Guatemala access to healthcare and better prospects for the future! Support us in building health structures, minimizing the causes of disease and helping people around the world to lead healthy lives!
Your donation enables us to provide medical care to people in crisis and disaster regions.
The Women's Counseling Center (CAIMUS) of the local partner organization ASOGEN in
Guatemala is characterized by great poverty. The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and weather
In recent years, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a drastic deterioration in the living