Strengthening communities and improving food security in remote regions

In recent years, the political situation in Venezuela has led to the collapse of state institutional capacities as well as the domestic economy and foreign trade. As a result, millions of people have lost their livelihoods, poverty has risen rapidly and the gap between rich and poor is widening. 7.1 million Venezuelans have so far left the country as a result of this complex humanitarian crisis.

The human rights situation is poor and basic social and political human rights are not being upheld. The situation is particularly dramatic for indigenous population groups: Although indigenous rights are enshrined in the constitution and various laws have been passed specifically for indigenous peoples and communities, the reality is often different for the 51 indigenous peoples living in Venezuela. In addition, the indigenous organizations are divided. A national indigenous movement that would formulate its resistance to grievances with a united voice has not existed in Venezuela for decades.

Sustainable development, food security and health

The project focuses on strengthening local capacities in three project regions in order to enable village communities to independently launch and implement sustainable development processes. The initiatives of the village communities are individually designed, whereby the project helps with problem analysis, measure design and reflection as well as agricultural support. These agroecological initiatives are based on local knowledge and should be adapted to the cultural and climatic conditions of the regions. Successful practices are documented and demonstrated in pilot communities.

The project aims to train local employees as community trainers, who in turn initiate development processes in their communities. These people will be selected in collaboration with the target groups, with appropriate participation of women and consideration of cultural gender roles being encouraged.

Project description

  • Project Goal: Community empowerment and improvement of food security for indigenous and small-scale farming communities in three remote regions of Venezuela.
  • Project Focus: Food security
  • Target Group:
    • Direct: 3,450 people (small-scale farmers, indigenous, and Afro-indigenous populations in rural areas)
    • Indirect: 12,390 people
  • Project Area: States of Amazonas, Apure/Barinas, and Bolívar, Venezuela
  • Project Activities:
    • Training to improve ecological farming and livestock practices
    • Training of community leaders to promote agricultural community initiatives for solidarity within communities
    • Development and implementation of training concepts and workshops to promote civic participation in protecting life, health, and food security in the three project regions
    • Training, advising, and support to promote effective management and implementation of sustainable development processes and strengthen civic participation
  • Project Duration: July 2023 - October 2026
  • Financial Volume: 1,111,064 Euros
  • Partner Organisation: Asociación Civil Oficina de Derechos Humanos del Vicariato Apostólico de Puerto Ayacucho (Oficina DDHH) as lead partner, Cáritas Guasdualito, Clima 21
  • Funding: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
  • Project Number: 6000233
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