A mobile clinic treats patients in remote or hard-to-reach regions of Ukraine. © action medeor / INTERSOS Info A mobile clinic treats patients in remote or hard-to-reach regions of Ukraine. © action medeor / INTERSOS Ukraine Moldova Psychosocial and medical care for people affected by war Programs Both in Ukraine and among the refugees in neighboring Moldova, there is a great humanitarian emergency. The joint project of action medeor and the partner organization INTERSOS includes various measures with the aim of improving access to life-saving basic medical care and protection services for the population affected by the war (internally displaced persons and host communities affected by the conflict in southern Ukraine and refugees in the Republic of Moldova). The project includes providing medical care and advice to patients who are reached via a mobile clinic in regions that have not yet received adequate care. Psychosocial care and advice is also offered. Another project component includes the delivery of freeze-dried blood plasma and urgently needed medical supplies to hospitals in Ukraine to support healthcare in the country. Project descriptionProject Goal: Emergency relief through the provision of psychosocial and medical care for the war-affected population in Moldova and Ukraine.Project Focus: Basic healthcare provision, psychosocial health, displacementTarget Group: Healthcare Component with INTERSOS: Moldova: Approximately 17,000 people directly reached + catchment area of supported healthcare facilities (approximately 72,000 people): Ukrainian refugees and members of host communities Ukraine: Approximately 21,500 people directly reached Blood Plasma "LyoPlas" + Essential Medications: 20,000 units of blood plasma and medications, with the exact number of beneficiaries depending on the severity of illness/injury Project Area: Healthcare with INTERSOS: Ukraine (Oblasts of Odessa and Mykolaiv), Republic of Moldova (Chişinău and Stefan Voda District); delivery of blood plasma and essential medications to hospitals in UkraineProject Activities: INTERSOS Moldova: Medical first aid for refugees near border crossings Mobile and stationary medical consultations for refugees arriving within the country Referrals to secondary healthcare facilities Training of healthcare personnel on protection issues Provision of psychosocial support services Assistance with registration procedures for temporary protection in Moldova Preparedness for responding to sudden increases in refugee numbers (maintaining emergency medical teams, participating in coordination meetings) INTERSOS Ukraine: Recruitment of healthcare personnel for overburdened healthcare facilities Provision of psychosocial support services Mobile basic healthcare services Provision of Blood Plasma and Essential Medications: Procurement of urgently needed medical supplies for selected healthcare facilities (especially upon request from the Ukrainian Ministry of Health) Procurement of dried blood plasma (LyoPlas) from the German Red Cross Delivery to and distribution by the Ukrainian Transplant Coordination Center Project Duration: April 2022 – December 2023 (INTERSOS) / until June 2024 for blood plasma deliveriesFinancial Volume: 9.5 million Euros (Project work with INTERSOS: 5 million Euros, Blood plasma and medication deliveries: 4.5 million Euros)Partner Organisation: INTERSOS and the Ukrainian Ministry of Health (MoH) / Ukrainian Transplant Coordination Center (receipt and distribution of blood plasma)Funding: Federal Foreign Office of GermanyProject Number: 6100179 Your contact person Ajeeb Al-Mamari Programme Manager Somalia Phone: +49 2156 9788-128 TPL_EMAIL This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.