An employee loads pallets of medicine into a lorry.
In Chad, the pallets of medicines are loaded into a refrigerated lorry. Photo: action medeor/INTERSOS

From Tönisvorst to Sudan: Follow our aid delivery by video

In the civil war country of Sudan, only a few health facilities are still in operation and the supply of relief supplies is extremely difficult. Together with our partner INTERSOS, we are nevertheless making aid possible - in the video we show you how.

Follow Our Delivery

Medications, medical supplies, and equipment are eagerly awaited in Sudan. The ongoing civil war and a hunger crisis have created severe hardship for the population. The few functioning healthcare facilities are in urgent need of support. Follow the journey of the latest delivery from action medeor in our video.

Overcoming Obstacles to Reach the Destination

From the starting point in Tönisvorst, through Frankfurt Airport, landing in Chad, and finally reaching El Geneina in Sudan. In our video, staff from action medeor and our partner organization INTERSOS share the challenges faced by the shipment along its route. Important: In the end, the aid supplies reach exactly where they are needed. At healthcare facilities that provide daily medical care to many patients. This is made possible, not least, thanks to your donation.

The Situation in Sudan

Sudan has been experiencing a brutal civil war for years. Climate-related natural disasters further exacerbate the suffering of the people. For instance, a hunger crisis has gripped the country. 30 million people, more than half of the population, rely on humanitarian aid. Nearly 10 million people are fleeing armed conflicts and seeking refuge within the country.

How action medeor Helps

Since 2010, action medeor has been regularly delivering medical supplies to hospitals in Sudan. Despite the challenges of shipping – restricted airspace, flooded delivery routes, and armed conflicts – it has consistently succeeded in providing medical personnel in various regions of the country with medications, medical supplies, and equipment.

The deliveries from action medeor are urgently needed in Sudan: Most of the country’s medical facilities are currently not operational. The situation in the remaining facilities is accordingly tense, and the demand is extremely high.

Help us with your donation to provide access to medical care for people in Sudan and other crisis regions worldwide.

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