How we use your donation

Transparency and quality standards are very important to action medeor. This includes responsible handling of donations.

Your trust is our commitment

Every euro you donate helps to save lives and improve healthcare in crisis regions. Through our transparent and efficient use of funds, we ensure that your donation goes exactly where it is most urgently needed.

We recalculate exactly how your donations have been used each year and set this out in our annual report, which is always published in the middle of the year, for the previous year.

Donations according to their use

  • 89,33% of the donations went directly to project work and medical aid and thus to our efforts to improve people's health worldwide. With this share, we were able to provide people with medicines and other medical supplies and implement projects to improve healthcare.
  • 6,72% of the donations were used for our expenditure on fundraising, public relations and education. With this part of your donation, you enable us to tell even more people about our mission and get them excited about our work.
  • 3,95% of the donations went towards administrative costs. This includes, for example, the maintenance of our medicines warehouse and the personnel costs for the pharmaceutical staff who test the medicines for safety and efficacy.

Geographic distribution of donations

Our projects and aid measures are distributed worldwide in order to provide help where it is needed most urgently.

  • 12,96% of donations were used in Asian countries. We were particularly active here in 2023 following the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. We also support health projects in Nepal and Bangladesh.
  • 4,94% of donations went to Latin America, with a focus on Colombia, Venezuela and Guatemala. Here, we primarily support refugees and campaign for women and girls who have experienced violence.
  • 37,47% of donations were used in Europe, mainly due to our extensive aid for Ukraine since the outbreak of war in 2022.
  • 44,63% of donations went to Africa, where the need for medical aid is particularly high. Here, we are focusing on strengthening weak healthcare structures and achieving sustainable improvements.

Thank you for your trust

We greatly appreciate the trust that our donors place in us and see it as both a mandate and an obligation to use these donations conscientiously. Together we can make a difference - thank you very much for your support!

Your contacts

Michael Gotzen
Online and direct marketing manager

Phone: +49 2156 9788174

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Linda Merse
Online fundraising consultant

Phone: +49 2156 9788-172

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