DZI Donation Seal Commitments & donation seals The quality seal of the DZI (German Central Institute for Social Issues) certifies that action medeor meets the DZI standards, thus fulfilling the highest quality requirements. The DZI Seal – A Reliable Indicator for Trustworthy Donation Organizations Before people decide to support an organization, they want to be sure that it operates reliably and transparently. The DZI is well-known and enjoys great trust due to its independence, making the DZI quality seal an important decision-making aid for many. It certifies that action medeor handles the entrusted donations carefully and responsibly. action medeor is committed to these DZI standards in detail: Standard 1: Objectives The organization complies with laws and regulations, respects human rights and natural resources, and adheres to its own statutes. Its goals and areas of activity, as well as the fundamental functions and responsibilities of its bodies, are clearly and comprehensibly defined in its statutes. If children, young people, or other particularly vulnerable individuals are among the target groups of the organization, their special protection needs are met through appropriate measures. Standard 2: Governance and Supervision The organization has appropriate management and supervisory structures that clearly define who is authorized to make decisions and represent the organization. The clear separation of management and supervision ensures both functions are effectively fulfilled and conflicts of interest are avoided. Standard 3: Marketing and Public Relations The organization provides clear, truthful, factual, and open information about its mission, structure, and work. It respects the dignity of those affected, does not pressure donors, and acts fairly towards other organizations. Standard 4: Use of Funds The organization has structures and processes in place to ensure appropriate planning, implementation, and control of fund usage. Funds are used exclusively for the stated purposes and the necessary associated fundraising and administrative expenses. The use of funds follows principles of efficiency and economy, as well as the criterion of maximum impact. Standard 5: Compensation When compensating its permanent and freelance staff both domestically and abroad, as well as board members, the organization considers its nonprofit status, the qualifications and responsibilities of each position, and adheres to industry standards. Performance-based compensation in fundraising is provided only under specific conditions. Standard 6: Financial Reporting and Auditing The organization submits a complete, meaningful, and audited financial report no later than twelve months after the end of the fiscal year. Standard 7: Transparency The organization reports openly and comprehensively on its work, structures, and finances. It responds to inquiries and complaints promptly and appropriately. The organization maintains a website and publishes a meaningful annual report no later than twelve months after the end of the fiscal year. The website and annual report are clearly and understandably designed with an appropriate scope based on the organization's complexity. The organization provides all necessary documents and information to the DZI to verify compliance with the donation seal standards. Your Contact Person Dr. Angela Zeithammer Extended Board Member for Marketing and Communication Phone: 02156 9788-170 TPL_EMAIL This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.