© action medeor/B. Breuer Info © action medeor/B. Breuer Annual Report 2023 Responsible use of donations Get an overview of the aid that action medeor was able to provide in 2023 thanks to the support of many donors. The Annual Report to Browse Through You can display the report in full-screen mode by clicking on the square in the bottom right corner. Use the slider or the arrows on the left and right to flip through the pages, and the plus and minus signs to zoom in and out. Further down, you will find a link to download the annual report. Enabling Healthcare Around one billion people still have no access to adequate and affordable healthcare. While the availability of medicines has improved globally, it is not the case for everyone. Many people have to travel long distances or simply cannot afford the necessary medicines and medical treatments. Therefore, in 2023, we focused on building healthcare structures—for example, in Tanzania, where a new action medeor location is involved not only in the supply of medicines but also in diagnostics, the production of laboratory reagents, and innovative medical technology. Strengthening Emergency Relief Capacities Natural disasters and wars also showed us in 2023 how important it is to be able to provide quick assistance to those affected in emergencies. Another focus was therefore on strengthening our emergency relief capacities so that we can respond even faster and more appropriately in case of need. Our Year 2023 in Numbers: Expertise from 86 full-time employees in Germany, 41 employees in Tanzania, 18 employees in Malawi, and 65 volunteers From the 4,000 m² warehouse, 22,127 packages with a total weight of 448 tons were shipped to 56 countries. In 22 development cooperation projects, 19 humanitarian aid projects, and 6 pharmaceutical consultancy projects, a total of 1.6 million people were directly and 6.5 million people were indirectly supported. 33 partner organizations in 26 countries with approximately 800 full-time and over 1,000 volunteer staff were involved. This work was made possible by €20.6 million in unrestricted and restricted donations, €1.6 million in donations in kind, and €14.1 million in grants. THANK YOU! Our vision that all people have the right to the same quality healthcare as we do continues to drive us forward. Many of you also supported us in 2023—with your trust, your donations, and your commitment. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all of you. Annual Report Download Download now: action medeor e.V. Annual Report 2023