Mission statement Mission & Values medeor (Latin) means “I help, I heal”. The term forms the basis of the statutes and shapes the mission statement of action medeor. Our mission statement: vision, mission and values VISION. Together for health. No one suffers or dies from treatable or preventable diseases. Healthcare that includes prevention, medical treatment and the supply of medicines is accessible to everyone, regardless of their economic, geographical and social situation or origin. MISSION. medeor - I help, I heal Our foundation as a private aid organization and part of civil society are donors, volunteers and full-time employees as well as our global partners. We provide people in need with access to medicines and ensure that they receive medical care. ... support and promote local healthcare structures. ... enable our partners and local people to improve healthcare for themselves and their fellow human beings in order to strengthen local communities and structures in the long term. ... fighting against poverty-related diseases, HIV/Aids, malaria and tuberculosis and neglected tropical diseases worldwide. ... help in emergencies and disasters, both immediately and sustainably. ... provide health education and thus prevent diseases ... qualify specialist staff and help to create independent pharmaceutical and medical expertise through knowledge transfer. ... promote solidarity and support among the public and make the links between poverty and illness visible. ... change opinions through educational work and inform and sensitize the public on health issues, but also with regard to general development goals and a sustainable lifestyle. ... join forces with other organizations and networks to influence domestic, European and international policy on health and development issues. VALUES. Our principles of action. Solidarity and charity are what drive us. As part of our work, we strive to uphold human rights and safeguard the right to health. Independence and responsibility We help people to help themselves and act responsibly both internally and externally. Neutrality We help regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation and political and religious views. Respectful cooperation on an equal footing We respect the dignity and culture of our partners Transparency We work openly and informatively both internally and externally and provide regular accounts of our work Participation We live and promote participatory collaboration both in our work with our partners and within our own organization and are convinced that this creates added value for everyone. Effectiveness and efficiency Our actions and work processes are impact-oriented and cost-conscious. Saving resources We adapt our structures and work processes to sustainable management in a continuous improvement process. Our goal is to work as CO2-neutrally as possible. Employees We support our employees so that they can meet human and professional requirements and expect them to continuously develop their knowledge and skills.