© action medeor / B. Breuer Info © action medeor / B. Breuer Sierra Leone Prevention of female genital mutilation and circumcision Programs According to the World Health Organization, more than 200 million women and girls worldwide are affected by female genital mutilation. In addition, an estimated three million girls are at risk of being circumcised every year. Female genital mutilation/circumcision (FGM/C) includes all procedures in which the female external genitalia are removed or injured. The traumatic experience is often associated with immediate complications such as severe pain, shock and injury to adjacent tissue. Other possible long-term consequences include sepsis, infertility, obstructed labor and even death. It interferes not only with the physical but also the psychological integrity of women and girls and their self-determination and is a serious violation of human rights. The work of action medeor in Sierra Leone action medeor has been working in Sierra Leone since the Ebola epidemic of 2014-2016, primarily in the area of mother-child health. From the experience of previous projects, the need to include the topic of female genital mutilation in the project work became clear. At 88%, the prevalence of female genital mutilation in Sierra Leone is among the highest in the world and is deeply rooted in cultural and traditional norms. In Sierra Leone, there is no law that explicitly prohibits FGM/C and politicians are often unwilling to take a public stance against it. Among the population, however, the mobilization against FGM/C is gradually becoming more tangible and there is an increased awareness of the aspects that violate human rights. The partner organization: “Women Against Violence and Exploiation in Society”A cooperation between action medeor and the local partner organization “Women Against Violence and Exploiation in Society”, or “WAVES” for short, has been in place since February 2020. The joint project work of action medeor and WAVES builds on the successful prevention and awareness-raising work of WAVES, which the organization had already implemented in various communities. In the first joint project in 2020/2021 and 2021/2022, young girls and women learned about their rights in human rights clubs and through further training and learned how they can take a stand against gender-based violence and FGM/C. From the outset, the aim of this work was to involve the entire community in campaigns against female genital mutilation across all generations. The project: Raising awareness and tackling FGM/C together The focus of the current joint project between action medeor and WAVES is to increase knowledge and awareness of human rights, particularly the rights of girls and women, in society and especially among decision-makers, and to work towards ending the dangerous practice of female genital mutilation. Building on the previous projects that have already been implemented, the measures to raise awareness among the population and protect girls and young women will be continued. The educational work focuses on schools to educate young people, teaching staff and parents about human rights and the right to education, as well as giving girls the opportunity to discuss topics that are otherwise taboo in their society in groups known as Safe Spaces. Project descriptionProject Goal: Prevention of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) in Bo, Sierra LeoneProject Focus: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, EducationTarget Group: Direct: 1,154 girls, women, boys, men, and key community figures engaged in prevention efforts. Indirect: Approximately 378,090 people in the communities are educated about girls' rights and the negative effects of FGM/C.Project Area: Niawa Lenga and Bagbwe Chiefdom, Bo District, Sierra LeoneProject Activities: Increased knowledge about maternal and child health and women's rights in the five project communities. Two-day interactive human rights training for community members. Awareness campaigns for students, parents, and teachers about women's and girls' rights and the right to education. Human rights training for young girls and women as well as teachers. Establishment of Safe Spaces to support girls where FGM/C and women's rights are discussed, and hygiene products are provided if needed. Improved protection of women and girls from violence in the communities. Action days, e.g., International Day of the Girl Child. Organized public discussions with community members and decision-makers on sexual and reproductive health and rights. Training sessions with representatives of the Health and Education Ministries. Intergenerational dialogues on FGM/C and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) for women and girls. Supporting national partners in advocating for the Sierra Leonean government to criminalize FGM/C. Training of FAHP members (advocacy network against FGM/C) in advocacy work. Events on the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation. Information events for parliament members, involving political decision-makers. Strengthening of local partner organizations. Training and consulting in financial and procurement management. Capacity-building workshops. Project Duration: December 2022 – November 2026Financial Volume: 273,334 EurosPartner Organisation: Women Against Violence and Exploitation in Society (WAVES)Funding: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)Project Number: 6000230