Tanzania Better medical diagnoses: setting up and operating hospital laboratories Programs The economy in Tanzania is suffering from global uncertainties caused by the conflict in Ukraine and the ongoing logistical challenges and shortages of materials and products as a result of COVID-19. The effects are being felt throughout the country's economy, including in the chronically underfunded healthcare sector. Clinical laboratories, where continuous training and regular maintenance and replenishment of spare parts for diagnostic equipment are necessary, are particularly affected. The result: patients often do not receive the right diagnoses and treatments, many laboratories can only carry out basic tests and have to refer patients to larger hospitals for more complex examinations - often a major financial and logistical burden for people. Rural healthcare facilities are also suffering as they lose patients and revenue to larger hospitals in cities. The challenge is to run laboratory services efficiently at a high level of quality, as most hospital laboratories are unable to cope with this demand due to poor infrastructure (including water and electricity), shortage of skilled staff, irregular and/or lack of supply of reagents and materials. This picture was also confirmed by an assessment by action medeor Tanzania in September 2022: Half of the laboratories visited had no reagents to operate vital medical equipment at the time of the visit, and in some of the laboratories over 60% of the laboratory equipment was defective. In order to improve the provision of high-quality laboratory services in Tanzania and Zanzibar, five hospital laboratories are being renovated, equipped and new laboratory equipment installed as part of the current project. At the same time, employees are receiving regular training. As a result of these measures, all five laboratories will be able to offer laboratory services at a high and consistent level of quality. As part of the project, action medeor Tanzania will hire five new laboratory staff and send them to the laboratories. The necessary medical equipment will be procured through the action medeor branch in Tanzania and installed by action medeor Tanzania technicians. In addition to other necessary renovation work, all laboratories will be equipped with photovoltaic systems to generate the necessary electricity. Project descriptionProject Focus: Medical Technology, EducationProject Area: Tanzania and SansibarProject Duration: April 2023 - March 2026Financial Volume: 2,894,168 EurosPartner Organisation: action medeor International Healthcare TanzaniaFunding: The develoPPP.de program of the BMZ implemented by DEGProject Number: 7000163 Your Contact Person Irina Müller International Account Manager, Headquarters Tönisvorst Phone: 02156 9788-147 TPL_EMAIL This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.