Children are regularly treated at the ARABKIR Medical Center in Yerevan. The influx of refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh is currently increasing the number of patients and the need for medication. © action medeor Info Children are regularly treated at the ARABKIR Medical Center in Yerevan. The influx of refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh is currently increasing the number of patients and the need for medication. © action medeor action medeor supports children's hospital in Armenia Press releases 02 October 2023 Medical care for refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh: aid delivery from action medeor on its way to Armenia The medical aid organization action medeor is providing medical support in Armenia. The ARABKIR Medical Center in Yerevan, which specializes in pediatric and adolescent medicine, has now sent an appeal for help to the “emergency pharmacy of the world”, as action medeor is also known. The reason: following the military offensive in Nagorno-Karabakh, more than 100,000 people have fled to Armenia and are now in urgent need of help with accommodation and medical care. “This is also putting a considerable strain on the hospitals in Armenia, which now have to care for acute and chronically ill patients,” Sid Peruvemba, spokesman for the board of action medeor, reports. The refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh, including many children, are currently being distributed to various regions where they are being treated by local hospitals. These include the ARABKIR Medical Center in Yerevan. “Painkillers, antibiotics, syringes and cannulas are needed there in order to treat all patients, young and old, appropriately,” Peruvemba explains. On September 20, a shipment left action medeor's medicine warehouse in Tönisvorst for Yerevan by truck and is due to arrive there in the next few days. “Following the call for help that we have now received, we will now provide further support”, Peruvemba says. Since 2000, action medeor has regularly supported the children's hospital in Yerevan with medical supplies and medicines needed in various areas such as surgery, the intensive care unit and the children's clinic. If you would like to support the work of action medeor, you can donate online at - where you can also leave your address for a donation receipt. You can also make a traditional bank transfer, donation account DE78 3205 0000 0000 0099 93 at Sparkasse Krefeld, donation keyword: “Armenia”. Your contact person Dr. Markus Bremers Press spokesman Phone: +49 2156 9788-178 TPL_EMAIL This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.