Since February 2022, action medeor has been delivering medicines and medical supplies to Ukraine. Around 250 Ukrainian hospitals are supplied from Tönisvorst, such as St. Luke's Hospital in Ivano-Frankivsk. © action medeor / Pavlo Hedzyk Info Since February 2022, action medeor has been delivering medicines and medical supplies to Ukraine. Around 250 Ukrainian hospitals are supplied from Tönisvorst, such as St. Luke's Hospital in Ivano-Frankivsk. © action medeor / Pavlo Hedzyk Support for children in the Ukraine Press releases 21 November 2023 Children suffer from the effects of war in a particular way, as they are the least able to protect themselves. This is why action medeor was supported by Sternstunden to provide families and children with urgently needed medicines and medical care. Last year, just a few weeks after the military escalation in Ukraine, Sternstunden sponsored a delivery of medicines from action medeor to the municipal emergency hospital in Ternopil in western Ukraine. The shipment included painkillers, antibiotics, bandages, infusions and wheelchairs with a total value of 50,000 euros. action medeor now regularly supplies around 250 hospitals in Ukraine with medicines and medical equipment. The aid organization has also been able to bring mobile X-ray and ultrasound equipment and even a dozen ambulances to Ukraine with the support of sponsors such as Sternstunden. “We must not lose sight of the fate of children in war zones like Ukraine,” Sid Peruvemba, spokesman for the board of action medeor, emphasizes. “Even if the current accumulation of crises sometimes completely exhausts our compassion: It must remain our common goal to alleviate the suffering of people in crisis situations and to provide them with the best possible care”, Peruvemba concludes. Your contact person Dr. Markus Bremers Press spokesman Phone: +49 2156 9788-178 TPL_EMAIL This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.