Sister Juliana and Christoph Bonsmann stand at the bedside of a mother with her newborn child
© action medeor

Health center opened

For thousands of refugees in Somalia, the health center is the only chance for treatment.

Millions of Somalis have already been forced to flee extreme weather and food shortages. In Kahda District, many of them are living in precarious, disease-ridden conditions. The huts stretch as far as the eye can see, sometimes made of sheet metal, sometimes of a few makeshift sticks covered with cloth. There is far too little clean water and latrines for the inhabitants. The health center set up by action medeor and its partner organization WARDI is a ray of hope for all refugees - especially for pregnant women and mothers with children who receive medical help here.

Obstetric care saves lives

25-year-old Shamso is lying in the maternity ward. She can still hardly believe her luck: It was only at the health center that she found out from the doctor that she was pregnant with twins. However, a home birth with the help of a traditional midwife would have put the young mother and her children in great danger. Immediately after delivery, the newborns are vaccinated against measles, tetanus, whooping cough and other dangerous diseases. Their mothers learn to prevent malnutrition through breastfeeding and to strengthen their babies' immune systems.

Every second child goes hungry

After four years of drought, every second child under the age of five is malnourished. Hunger leads to retarded growth, immunodeficiency and organ damage, if not death. Health workers visit the refugee settlements to identify life-threatening malnourished children. Severe cases are treated at the health center. Children at risk of malnutrition and breastfeeding mothers received food supplies to ensure the healthy development of girls and boys. And thanks to a water distribution system, latrines for 750 households and thousands of hygiene kits distributed, young families are better protected against infection.

With the health center in Kahda and other aid projects in the surrounding area, action medeor is making an important contribution to strengthening the weakened Somali health system. We look forward to your support for our emergency aid in Somalia and worldwide!

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