Donations instead of gifts

Our gift tip: Health! Give your customers & partners a good feeling - with your donation.

Whether for festive occasions, anniversaries or seasonal events such as Christmas - are you looking for gifts for your business contacts? Why not give the gift of health! Support action medeor with a donation and help strengthen the human right to health in the long term.

How it works:

Your donation is as easy as two steps:

  1. Simply make the donation amount of your choice via our online donation form or by bank transfer to the action medeor donation account - with the keyword “Wir schenken Gesundheit” (We give health).
  2. Tell your business contacts about your donation to action medeor for global health 

For your special occasion mail, such as Christmas, we will be happy to provide you with an insert, which you can already see below. Please contact us by phone on 02156/9788-206, 02156/9788-208 or by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Inserts for your Christmas mail

medeor teaser weihnachten web 725x483 rev1

We will be happy to send you the print file for this insert in DINA6 format. You can enclose it with your Christmas mail to customers, for example.


On the back of the insert you will find additional information about the work of action medeor. We will also be happy to send you appropriate formats for your online communication by email or on social media if required.

Your contact persons

Julia Ramisch
Referentin für Unternehmenskooperationen

Phone: 02156 9788-206

TPL_EMAIL This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Jasmin Herholz
Junior Referentin für Unternehmenskooperationen

Phone: 02156 9788-208

TPL_EMAIL This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Your commitment works!

We are grateful for your commitment and are happy to support you. Together we can discuss the design of your donation or other forms of commitment from your company!

Donate now